"Empowering life-long learners in a world to be successful, yet designed."
Each Auburn student is properly prepared to successfully be in a world that will be more fully presented. Our students basic knowledge and skills to acquire, and you turn creative these every day from school, home, work and in the community to solve. Our students:
You communicate effectively, you work together successfully, remember, flexibility and transfer their knowledge and skills to new situations, technologies and contexts.
Set goals with confident self-assurance and develop innovative solutions.
Grow the core values of honesty, fairness, courage, compassion, respect and responsibiity to internalize.
Understand and broaden you know social, economic and political settings in a global society, and appreciate diversity.
You, recognize that learning an ongoing process with continuous gains celebrated along the way.
Our education program, integrated, flexible and personalized each is to maximize student growth. Our educational program:
Serves students, socially, physically, cognitively and emotionally.
Focuses on student interest, selection, personal goals and career exploration in the standards based, interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum.
Occasion for students both independently and together to learn.
Ensures that all students explore and learn in a wide range and variety of venues in community based organizations, public and private "Settings for virtual rooms and classroom nature of the free".
Is travel in an adjustable time frame and many possible routes flexibly, whereby each student learn.
Guartantees each student on the way to rich interdisciplinary experiences, to stimulate the reflection, dialogue and academic pride.
Our employees are model-learners, and joint educational management. Our employees and employees:
Work with colleagues, experts and other community members for the research, identify, assess, develop and refine their craft.
Are knowledgeable, qualified, responsive professionals and work with students set goals, identified, customized, individual learning experiences, to assess progress, coach, support and performance.
Create environments, where it is safe, innovative and to take risks, and where high expectations demand and motivate.
Show that reflection, creative thinking and innovation are valued.
Of our community - staff, parents, families, and community members - active share responsibility for the education of our students. Our community members:
Contribute, setting goals, partner with staff ensuring student success and learning support.
Mutual respect and collaboration between school management, to demonstrate School Department and various interest groups.
Support the creation of State-of-the-art facilities and technologies with a safe, flexible, suitable, comfortable rooms.
Provide opportunities for students to learn before the walls of the school.
Partners to ensure that all students career and/or College are ready.
Each Auburn student graduates with high expectations, hope for the future, to comply with a passion for learning and the power of their dreams. Together we prepare these citizens of the 21st century make unique and valuable contributions and thrive on what stages of the world, who choose them.
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